Tips for Traveling to a New Country

Traveling to a foreign country can present a series of obstacles, from learning the language to understanding the customs. For the inexperienced traveler, this can spell trouble, especially when venturing to hot zones where travel advisories have been posted. Still, some destination hot spots make for an interesting experience, from the elephant-mounted tours of Tanzania to beautiful sites of Germany.

Travelers preparing a trip to a new country may want to brush up on language, visa requirements and even proper customs to help avoid some awkward moments. Ready your luggage and plan out a trip, and get set to enjoy your vacation or new home.

Travel Guidelines

Every country will require different guidelines for entering and traveling. Almost all countries will require a visa and a passport, and for those unfamiliar with guidelines may need to visit a consulate or government website to find out more.

Each traveler will need a particular type of visa. The tourist will need a tourist visa while a student will require a student visa. The tourist visa will permit travel for a certain period while the student visa will layout guidelines for how to qualify, and and it’s always best to visit the online masters degree curriculum as well as the consulate to receive the proper information. Without the proper visa, a traveler will not be granted access into the country and may be fined and imprisoned for failing to follow the rules.

As with a visa, a traveler will need to present his passport to the custom official before being allowed admittance. The passport should also have a few blank pages and not expire while inside the country. Most countries will require a passport and visa to be valid for at least six months in order to enter, so its best to check with a consulate for more information.

Learn the Customs

Westerners are accustomed to dressing, talking and behaving a particular way in public that foreigners may not agree with. For example, a two-piece bikini in the States is an acceptable attire to wear while at the beach, but not in China. Wearing shorts or cutoff sleeves in America may be fine, but in the Middle East is frowned upon.

Greetings, customs and proper manners all tend to change when visiting foreign countries. It’s best to brush up on these customs and mannerisms before traveling to avoid offending anyone or even worse being arrested for your misunderstanding.


Travelers all need money to stay and venture around the country with. Some countries, such as Tanzania, will not allow an individual to enter the country if he does not have sufficient money to pay for necessary items. Learning about the currency differences helps understand how much one-dollar is worth in a foreign country. Sometimes the dollar may be worth more while other times it may be less.

In any case, you want to make sure you get the right currency exchange and always keep it safe. When dealing with money inside of foreign countries, it’s best to use traveler checks to pay for most items. This helps avoid getting duped by vendors, or worse, getting robbed.

Learn the Language

If you travel with a guide, you might not need to understand the language, but if you’re a student pursing a vocational degree in a foreign country, you’ll need to know some basics and be required to take language classes as part of the curriculum. From saying hello to holding a conversation, you’ll need to understand and pronounce some of the most basic words.

For a tourist learning a few words will help. If you don’t have access to language programs, you can always purchase a translator dictionary to help you understand and pronounce certain words. Don’t expect foreigners to understand English. Prepare yourself and come ready to speak and understand signs to avoid any confusion.

Each country will map out different requirements and offer new tips for a traveler. From the strict rules while traveling abroad in China to the crowded roads and parking spaces of the English, each country will have something new to consider. It’s always best to come well prepared than learn as you go.


U.S. Department of State

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6 Responses

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  4. Chai says:

    i read on sir ed's blog that you're going in siem reap on august…i'm also going there on mid august and i already bought my ticket..hope to see you there! =)

  5. Riz says:

    Great entry! This is very true. Will keep this in mind. 😉

  6. Riz says:

    Great entry! This is very true. Will keep this in mind. 😉

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